Sweet & Salty Pretzel Peanut Butter Pops

Yield: 8 pops Active Time: 20 minutes Freeze Time: 6 hours Total Time: 20 minutes (+ 6 hours of freeze time)



  • 2 tbsp dark chocolate chunks

  • 2 dates

  • 2 tsp chia seeds

  • 2 tsp hemp seeds

  • 1/2 tbsp honey

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 24 pretzels 

  • ¼ cup peanut butter

  • ½ cup oat milk 

  • 3 frozen bananas

  • 1 cup dark chocolate; melted


  1. Add the blender bomb, peanut butter, oat milk, dates, chia seeds, hemp seeds, honey, cinnamon and bananas to a blender and blend until smooth. 

  2. Place 1 pretzel into each popsicle mold. Fill the molds with the banana mixture and press another pretzel into the mold. Add the sticks to the molds and freeze for at least 6 hours.

  3. Remove the pops from the molds and dip halfway into the melted chocolate and press a pretzel into the chocolate. Transfer the pops to a parchment paper lined baking sheet and return to the freezer for 30 minutes before enjoying.